Lilias Trotter pursued her call from God in the 1880s to minister to Algerians. As a single female she was advised against going. In true pioneer spirit she followed God in faith on a path few Christians have taken. She ventured into the unknown, leaving behind the prospect of a prestigious career as an artist. She knew that God’s purposes for her life were worth pursuing.
Making a lasting impact
Lilias Trotter could not have foreseen the impact her ministry and those of other pioneers would have on future generations. But she had a vision for the impossible – a strong, vibrant Algerian Church – and lived out 2 Corinthians 5:7, ‘We live by faith, not by sight.’
One hundred and thirty years on, the Algerian Church is flourishing. One congregation is so full every week that some people have to go back home when it is too cold to be outside. In another fellowship, a man came up to a worker and hugged him. He explained that he had been planning on causing problems for the worker’s family, but saw him on TV talking about Christ. After listening to this, he abandoned his project and turned to Christ himself.
Encouraging more pioneers
At AWM-Pioneers we long to see the next generation of faithful pioneers reach out with the gospel of Christ to the people of the Arab world.
We are looking to mentor people with a passion for mission just like Lilias had and provide them with training, support and short-term placements with ministry teams.
We desire to encourage and equip cross-cultural workers to help the Church flourish and transform nations in the Arab world.
What about you?
We are looking for those who live out this verse and have a vision for the impossible.
If this is you then EXPLORE FURTHER. We are keen to assist you with cross-cultural training, support and mission placements so you too can pursue Christ’s call on your life.